Centennial Hills Park Weather Forecast
- 43
- 62
Decreasing Clouds
- 45
- 65
Partly Sunny
- 43
- 64
Partly Sunny
- 44
- 65
Partly Sunny
- 45
- 66
Mostly Sunny
- 46
- 66
Mostly Sunny
Today 16 Feb Las Vegas Valley
Partly sunny. Highs 61 to 64 on the west side. 63 to 66 on the east side. Northeast Winds up to 5 Mph shifting to the southeast in the afternoon.
Tonight 16 Feb Las Vegas Valley
Partly cloudy. Lows 40 to 44. West Winds up to 5 Mph.
Centennial Hills Park Temperature Statistics
February Temperature
Las Vegas, North Las Vegas Airport (6.2 miles)
Lowest 12 February, 2025
36 °FAverage February
56 °FHighest 4 February, 2025
77.6 °F
Climate (2020–Present)
Las Vegas, North Las Vegas Airport (6.2 miles)
Average Low 2020–2025
60.9 °FAverage 2020–2025
71.9 °FAverage High 2020–2025
82.5 °F